• Safety Precautions

    Adherence to CDC and DOH guidelines are rigorously followed:

    Masks are worn at all times by me and my clients aside from when clients are lying face down

    All touched surfaces are thoroughly disinfected in between clients

    Hand sanitizer is available in the lobby and the treatment room

    Sufficient time is allowed between clients to reduce the number of people in the lobby

  • Scheduling

    Please only schedule an appointment if you are well and are not experiencing any symptoms of illness.

    If you have been exposed to COVID, are vaccinated, are testing negative, and have no symptoms, you may schedule an appointment at any time.

    If you have been exposed to COVID and/or test positive for COVID, but have no symptoms, please wait 5 days before coming in for your appointment.

    If you have been exposed to COVID and/or test positive for COVID and have symptoms, please wait 5 days from the last day of your symptoms or obtain a negative before coming in for your appointment.

  • In all scenarios, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms before your appointment, please reschedule :



    Sore throat

    Shortness of breath or wheezing

    Runny nose

    Flu-like symptoms

    Unknown rash

    Sudden loss of smell

    Vomiting or diarrhea

    Diagnosed with COVID

  • COVID related cancellations

    You will not be charged cancellation fees for canceling for any of these symptoms. However, no show fees still apply. Please inform me as soon as possible if you are ill to ensure no show fees are not charged.