Why Infant massage?
“Being touched and caressed,
being massaged,
is food for the infant,
Food as necessary
as minerals, vitamins, and proteins.”
Benefits for the baby…
Increases cardiac functions, stimulates the respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, and gastrointestinal system. (May decrease colic & gas!)
Increases cognitive and neurological development.
Improves muscular development and tone.
Improves immune function.
Speeds up the myelination of the brain and nervous system thereby improving brain-body communication.
May improve sleep patterns.
Can directly affect emotional development and ability to handle stress as they age.
Facilitates healthy emotion regulation & environmental coping mechanisms.
benefits for the parent(s)…
Decreases postpartum depression.
Builds parental confidence and skills.
Stimulates milk production in mother.
Promotes better ability to read and understand baby’s cues.
benefits for both baby & Parent(s)…
Promotes bonding and a secure attachment.
Decreases stress hormones.